Social Justice in a Ninth-Grade Science Classroom
During the Summer Institute, I was also working in a fly lab on campus with a veteran science teacher from Central High School. At the end of every session, I would walk over to the lab and we would chat about PhilWP for about 10-20 minutes before she left for the day. We talked a lot about culturally relevant pedagogies, social justice in the classroom, and how different this might look in a science classroom as compared to a history or english classroom. We also talked a lot about my hesitation to do a lot of the activities that involve class-sharing of personal stories, as I teach at a neighborhood high school with limited classroom management abilities. She suggested that I try to use “awesome science” to create this type of open classroom environment. Although I may not be able to incorporate social justice into the curriculum the same way an English teacher does, I can still create a classroom where respect for ideas and opinions matter. Crazy phenomena breeds questions, and ...